Big Fish Cleaning & Restoration, 4141 38th St S Suite #6, Fargo, ND, 58104, building materials

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Big Fish Cleaning & Restoration

Company Name: Big Fish Cleaning & Restoration
Status: Active
State: North Dakota
Post: 58104
County: Cass
City: Fargo
Address: 4141 38th St S Suite #6
Phone: (701)306-7026
Fax: unknown
Contact Owner: Nick Cox
Web site:
SIC code: 521126 Industry group: Building materials & hardware, Business category: Lumber & other building materials, Subcategory: Building materials
Employees: 3
Overall: Big Fish Cleaning & Restoration is a business categorized under lumber & other building materials, which is part of the larger category building materials & hardware. Big Fish Cleaning & Restoration is located at the address 4141 38th St S Suite #6 in Fargo, North Dakota 58104. The Owner is Nick Cox who can be contacted at (701)306-7026.
Description: Big Fish Cleaning & Restoration provides carpet cleaning services to Fargo and Moorhead. We offer Fargo carpet cleaning for residential homes, commercial buildings, and apartments. Our water damage restoration can help with flood cleanup and carpet drying in the Red River Valley of ND and MN. We also do air duct cleaning, dryer vent cleaning, and junk removal.

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